List of SEALS programs
From Christoph's Personal Wiki
Note: system-dependent portions of the documentation are generated on the fly, so some sections of the static web documents may not agree with the documentation produced on your system.
- 1 man pages
- 2 BLAST scripters
- 3 other scripters/wrappers
- 4 BLAST result manipulation
- 5 simple fasta file manipulation
- 6 GenBank flatfile manipulation
- 7 boundtable manipulation
- 8 Entrez retrieval
- 9 Netscape / html
- 10 pattern matching
- 11 taxonomy analysis
- 12 unipred
- 13 general converters/extractors
- 14 miscellaneous functions
- 15 administration
- 16 generic scripters
- 17 general utilities
- 18 logical operations
man pages
- gref
- grefmatrix
- grefre
- rwidget
BLAST scripters
- splat
- a BLAST scripter
- splatp wusplatp splatpgp
- splatn wusplatn splatngp
- splatx wusplatx splatxgp
- tsplatn twusplatn tsplatngp
- tsplatx twusplatx tsplatxgp
- splish
- a BLAST scripter
- splishp wusplishp splishpgp
- splishn wusplishn splishngp
- splishx wusplishx splishxgp
- tsplishn twusplishn tsplishngp
- tsplishx twusplishx tsplishxgp
- desplat
- clean up those messy splat searches
other scripters/wrappers
- clustalify
- wrapper for ClustalW alignment/tree-building program
- coilify
- wrapper for coils2 coiled-coil prediction by NCBI implementation
- hmm_align
- wrapper for HMMER alignment programs
- hmm_search
- database searches based on hidden markov models (wrapper for HMMer programs)
- lupas_coilify
- wrapper for coils2 coiled-coil prediction by Lupas' implementation
- phdify
- wrapper for PHD protein prediction
- segify
- wrapper for SEG low-information domain detection
- signalpify
- wrapper for signalP signal peptide prediction
BLAST result manipulation
- blast2blast
- filter any kind of BLAST outputs by score, p : or e-value, etc.
- blast2bounded
- extract HSPs / alignments from BLAST outputs
- blast2gi
- convert BLAST results to lists or tables of hits
- blast2filename
- convert BLAST results to lists or tables of hits
- blast2header
- strip alignment/HSP data from BLAST files
- gp2normal
- make gp variant outputs look more like old-style BLAST
- psi2normal
- filter any kind of BLAST outputs by score, p : or e-value, etc.
- shatterblast
- split/rename BLAST outputs according to query definition line
simple fasta file manipulation
- assign_subversive_gis
- assign fake gi numbers to fasta records
- columnize
- format fasta records into columns
- daffy
- You must be taller than this script to ride this ride.
- defkeys
- see the numbering of fasta defline fields
- faand
- find the logical intersection between fasta libraries
- faclean
- remove funny characters from fasta records
- facount
- count the records in fasta libraries
- fafilt
- filter out amino-acid or nucleic-acid sequences
- faframe
- convert a nucleic acid sequence to various possible reading frames
- faletters
- count the letters in fasta libraries
- falower
- convert fasta records to lower case
- faor
- find the logical union between fasta libraries
- fanot
- find the logical difference between fasta libraries
- fashuffle
- shuffle fasta records
- fasort
- sort fasta libraries based on sequences or defline fields
- fatweak
- tweak sequence boundaries
- fauniq / nrify
- remove duplicate fasta records
- faupper
- convert fasta records to upper case
- faxor
- find the logical exclusive union between fasta libraries
- fenestrate
- make windows on fasta records
- gref
- match patterns in fasta libraries
- mask_split
- split fasta records at masking boundaries
- one2three
- convert single-letter amino acid codes to three-letter codes
- remove_subversive_gis
- remove fake gi numbers from fasta records
- select_defline
- select one of multiple deflines in fasta libraries
- shatter
- split/rename fasta records based on the definition line
- sieve
- remove long entries from fasta libraries
- three2one
- convert three-letter amino acid codes to single-letter codes
GenBank flatfile manipulation
- feature2fasta
- create fasta records from flatfile features
boundtable manipulation
- blast2bounded
- extract HSPs / alignments from BLAST outputs
- boundtable2fasta
- convert tables of sequence fragments into fasta libraries
- compare_boundtable
- compare tables representing sequence fragments; find overlaps
- merge_boundtable
- merge tables of sequence fragments
- project_boundtable
- project normal and complement elements onto a single strand
- split_boundtable
- split discontinuous sequence fragments
- standardize_boundtable
- convert boundtables of different formats to the canonical SEALS format
- strip_boundtable
- strip normal or complement elements from boundtables
Entrez retrieval
- entrezping
- test your Entrez server
- gi2abstract
- find abstracts associated with sequences
- gi2fasta
- retrieve sequence data for a gi number
- gi2genbank
- retrieve sequence data for a gi number
- gi2asn1
- retrieve sequence data for a gi number
- gi2defline
- retrieve sequence data for a gi number
- gi2genbank_html
- retrieve sequence data for a gi number
- genome2gi
- find all sequences from a systematic sequencing / mapping project
- taxnode2amino_gi
- get all gis associated with a taxnode
- taxnode2gi
- get all gis associated with a taxnode
- taxnode2nucleic_gi
- get all gis associated with a taxnode
Netscape / html
- hotbr
- html-ify BLAST outputs
- hotgi
- hotlink gi numbers in any file
- liftscape
- raise the current default Netscape window
- peepscape
- grab the URL from a Netscape window
- pipescape
- pipe a file into Netscape
- pipescape_new
- pipe a file into Netscape
- spitscape
- spit out the text from a Netscape window
pattern matching
- gref
- match patterns in fasta libraries
- grefd
- match patterns in fasta libraries
- guess
- guess a pattern from an alignment
- prosite2perl
- translates PROSITE-style regular expressions into Perl
- prosite_as_perl
- search PROSITE by text word, returning perlish patterns
taxonomy analysis
- tax_break
- summarize taxonomy data for a list of gi numbers
- tax_collector
- summarize taxonomic identity of nearest homologs
- tax_filt
- filter gi numbers according to taxonomy
- tax_guess
- find an exact taxonomic name
- tax_validate
- validate that the ranks in the taxonomy are consistent
- taxnode2lineage
- see the lineage of any taxonomic node
- coil_table
- create a table of predicted coiled-coil domains using ccp
- seg_table
- create a table of predicted nonglobular domains using SEG
- sig_table
- create a table of predicted signal peptides using SignalP
- tm_table
- create a table of predicted transmembrane domains using PHD
- unipred
- predict structural domains
general converters/extractors
- boundtable2fasta
- convert tables of sequence fragments into fasta libraries
- blastalign2fasta
- convert blast alignments to aligned fasta records
- block2fasta
- convert aligned sequence blocks to aligned fasta records
- clustalign2fasta / clustal2fasta
- convert CLUSTALW alignments into aligned fasta format
- defline2gi
- extract gi numbers from the deflines of fasta records
- fasta2clustalign
- convert aligned fasta records to CLUSTALW format.
- fasta2defline
- extract the definition lines of fasta records
- fasta2gi
- extract gi numbers from the deflines of fasta records
- fasta2phylip
- convert aligned fasta records to PHYLIP format.
- fasta2selex
- convert aligned fasta records to SELEX format.
- fasta2seqrows
- convert fasta records to sequence rows
- fastalign2fasta
- remove special delimiters from aligned fasta records.
- fastalign2hmm
- convert aligned fasta records into a format compatible with HMMER
- genbank2gi
- extract gi numbers from GenBank records
- hmm2gi
- extract gi numbers from HMMER searches
- hmmalign2fasta
- convert HMMER alignments into aligned fasta records
- macaw2fasta
- convert MACAW alignments into aligned fasta format
- most2gi
- extract gi numbers from MoST outputs
- phylip2fasta
- convert PHYLIP alignments to aligned fasta records
- selex2fasta
- convert SELEX alignments into aligned fasta format
- seqrows2fasta
- convert sequences from sequence-row format to fasta records
miscellaneous functions
- agree
- create a consensus sequence from an alignment
- casealign2count
- substitute length values for unaligned regions in alignments
- deindex
- cleans up index files created by fasta2index
- fasta2index
- make indexes of fasta libraries for fast retrieval
- famask
- mask fasta libraries based on predicted structural domains
- gap_cds
- insert gaps in nucleotide sequence based on amino-acid alignments
- gi2sibling
- find siblings for nucleotide and protein records
- grouper
- group sequences by similarity scores
- purger
- group sequences by similarity scores
- wimklein
- a versatile translator
- wubwub
- find duplications within a sequence
- seals
- examine your SEALS status
- update_blastgp
- update BLAST-GP from the NCBI ftp site
- update_gi_lists
- update retrieval hints from the NCBI ftp site
- update_modules
- update Perl modules from a CPAN site
- update_perlpath
- set the correct perl interpreter for SEALS scripts
- update_permissions
- set permissions and links for your SEALS installation
- update_prosite
- update the local PROSITE database from the Expasy web site
- update_seg
- update SEG from the NCBI ftp site
- update_taxonomy
- updates the local taxonomy databases from the NCBI ftp site
- update_wublast
- update WU-BLAST from the Washington University ftp site
generic scripters
- foreach_blast
- run a command on a series of BLAST results
- foreach_fasta
- run a command on a series of fasta records
- foreach_file
- run a command on a series of directories
- foreach_genbank
- run a command on a series of GenBank-style flatfiles
- foreach_dir
- run a command on a series of directories
- foreach_line
- run a command on a series of lines
- foreach_paragraph
- run a command on a series of empty line-delimited paragraphs
- foreach_word
- run a command on a series of words
general utilities
- bert
- a cat, with enormous globs
- dupedupe
- find duplicate lines
- mailme
- send a note to myself
- nemp
- n e match print
- pathadd
- add/remove path elements
- plainwhich
- simple 'which' replacement
- sortby
- sort lines according to a reference set
- uniquniq
- create files of unique lines
- singsing
- find unduplicated lines
- stack_paragraphs
- stack paragraphs onto single lines
- unstack_paragraphs
- unstack single lines into paragraphs
logical operations
- and
- find the logical intersection between lines in files
- not / nor
- find the logical difference between lines in files
- or
- find the logical union between lines in files
- xor
- find the logical exclusive union between lines in files
- faand
- find the logical intersection between fasta libraries
- fanot
- find the logical difference between fasta libraries
- faor
- find the logical union between fasta libraries
- faxor
- find the logical exclusive union between fasta libraries