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GenomeDiagram is a python package for the visualization of large-scale genomic data.

ABSTRACT: We present GenomeDiagram, a flexible, open-source Python module for the visualization of large-scale genomic, comparative genomic and other data with reference to a single chromosome or other biological sequence. GenomeDiagram may be used to generate publication-quality vector graphics, rastered images and in-line streamed graphics for webpages.[1]

It requires Python 2.3 or higher, and recent versions of the ReportLab and BioPython packages.

See also


  1. Pritchard L, White JA, Birch PRJ, Toth IK (2006). "GenomeDiagram: a python package for the visualization of large-scale genomic data". Bioinformatics, 22(5):616-617; DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btk021

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