Linux directory structure

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The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) defines the main directories and their contents in Linux operating systems. More simply, it is the Linux directory structure.

NOTE: Run man hier to get the most up to date hierarchy.

Directory structure

All files and directories appear under the root directory "/", even if they are stored on different physical devices. Note, however, that some of these directories may or may not be present on a given Linux system as they depend on whether certain subsystems, such as the X Window System, are installed.

Directory Description
/bin/ Essential command binaries for all users (e.g., cat, ls, cp)
/boot/ Boot loader files (e.g., kernels, initrd)
/dev/ Essential devices (e.g., /dev/null)
/etc/ Host-specific system-wide configuration files.
Configuration files for /opt/
Configuration files for the X Window System, version 11
Configuration files for SGML.
Configuration files for XML.
/home/ Users' home directories.
/lib/ Libraries essential for the binaries in /bin/ and /sbin/
/mnt/ Temporarily mounted filesystems.
/media/ Mount points for removable media such as CD-ROMs (appeared in FHS-2.3)
/opt/ Add-on application software packages.
/proc/ Virtual filesystem documenting kernel and process status, mostly text files (e.g., uptime, network)
/root/ Home directory for the root user.
/sbin/ System administrative binaries (e.g., init, route, ifup) (system binaries)
/tmp/ Temporary files. (See also /var/tmp)
/srv/ Site-specific data which is served by the system.
/usr/ Secondary hierarchy for user shareable, read-only data.
Same as for top-level hierarchy, but non-essential (not needed to bring the system up or recover after problems).
Standard include files.
Same as for top-level hierarchy.
Same as for top-level hierarchy, but non-essential (e.g. daemons for various network-services).
Architecture-independent (shared) data.
Source code. (e.g. the kernel source code with its header files)
X Window System, Version 11 Release 6.
Tertiary hierarchy for local data, specific to this host.
/var/ Variable files, such as logs, databases, websites, and temporary e-mail files.
Lock files. Files keeping track of resources currently in use.
Log files. Various logs.
Users mail-boxes.
Information about the running system since last boot. (e.g. currently logged-in users and running daemons)
Spool for tasks waiting to be processed. (e.g. print queues and unread mail)
Deprecated location for users mail-boxes.
Temporary files. Preferred to /tmp once in multi-user mode.




/tmp nosuid,noexec,nodev (no SUID programes, No executables, No Device Files).
/var noexec,nosuid # maybe
/usr/local # maybe

If you do not want run-away logging to fill up our /var partition, you can archive (tar) old logs (e.g., older than one day):

find /var/log/ -name "*.log" -mtime +1 -exec bzip2 -z '{}' \;

and then delete old tars (e.g., older than 30 days):

find /var/log -name "*.bz2" -mtime +30 -exec rm '{}' \;
  • "Mountable" directories are: '/home', '/mnt', '/tmp', '/usr', and '/var'.
  • Essential for booting are (i.e., they should all be on one partition): '/bin', '/boot', '/dev', '/etc', '/lib', '/proc', and '/sbin'.

man pages

The following directories are usually (actually, should be) in /usr/share/<mandir>/<locale>

User programs (optional)
System calls (optional)
Library calls (optional)
Special files (optional)
File formats (optional)
Games (optional)
Miscellaneous (optional)
System administration (optional)

Create the FHS from scratch

Note: The following was taken from the Linux From Scratch docs.

mkdir -pv /{bin,boot,etc/{opt,sysconfig},home,lib/firmware,mnt,opt}
mkdir -pv /{media/{floppy,cdrom},sbin,srv,var}
install -dv -m 0750 /root
install -dv -m 1777 /tmp /var/tmp
mkdir -pv /usr/{,local/}{bin,include,lib,sbin,src}
mkdir -pv /usr/{,local/}share/{color,dict,doc,info,locale,man}
mkdir -v  /usr/{,local/}share/{misc,terminfo,zoneinfo}
mkdir -v  /usr/libexec
mkdir -pv /usr/{,local/}share/man/man{1..8}

case $(uname -m) in
 x86_64) ln -sv lib /lib64
         ln -sv lib /usr/lib64
         ln -sv lib /usr/local/lib64 ;;

mkdir -v /var/{log,mail,spool}
ln -sv /run /var/run
ln -sv /run/lock /var/lock
mkdir -pv /var/{opt,cache,lib/{color,misc,locate},local}

External links