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The correct title of this article is nohup. The initial letter is capitalized due to technical restrictions.

nohup is a command that is used to run another command while suppressing the action of the HUP (hangup) signal, enabling the command to keep running after the user who issues the command has logged out. It is most often used to run commands in background as daemons. Output that would normally go to the terminal goes to a file called nohup.out if it has not already been redirected.


The first of the commands below starts the program abcd in the background in such a way that the subsequent log out does not stop it.

% nohup abcd &
% exit

Existing jobs

Some shells (e.g. bash) provide a "shell builtin" that may be used to prevent SIGHUP being sent to existing jobs, even if they were not started with nohup. The bash name for this builtin is nohup.

See also

External links

Linux command line programs
File and file system management: cat | cd | chmod | chown | chgrp | umask | cp | du | df | file | fsck | ln | ls | lsof | mkdir | more | mount | mv | pwd | rcp | rm | rmdir | split | touch | tree
Process management: anacron | at | chroot | cron/crontab | kill | nice | ps | sleep | screen | time | timex | top | nice/renice | wait
User Management/Environment: env | finger | id | locale | mesg | passwd | su | sudo | uname | uptime | w | wall | who | write
Text processing: awk | cut | diff | ex | head | tac | tee | iconv | join | less | more | paste | sed | sort | tail | tr | uniq | wc | xargs | perl
Shell programming: echo | expr | unset Printing: lp
inetd | netstat | ping | rlogin | traceroute

find | grep/egrep/fgrep | strings


banner | bc | cal | man | yes