Sar (sysstat)

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In computing, `sar` (System Activity Report) is a Solaris-derived system monitor command used to report on various system loads, including CPU activity, memory/paging, device load, network, etc. Linux distributions provide `sar` through the sysstat package.


The sysstat package contains the following system performance tools:

collects and reports system activity information
reports CPU utilization and disk I/O statistics
reports global and per-processor statistics
reports statistics for Linux tasks (processes)
displays data collected by sar in various formats
reports I/O statistics for network filesystems
reports I/O statistics for CIFS filesystems

The statistics reported by `sar` deal with I/O transfer rates, paging activity, process-related activities, interrupts, network activity, memory and swap space utilization, CPU utilization, kernel activities, and TTY statistics, among others. Both UP and SMP machines are fully supported.

Example usage

  • CPU usage for all CPU cores on your machine

This gives the cumulative real-time CPU usage of all CPUs on your machine. "1 3" reports for every 1 seconds a total of 3 times. The most useful column/field in this report is "%idle" for the CPU load:

$ sar -u 1 3
Linux 3.8.0-30 (foobar)        11/09/13        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)

17:12:06        CPU     %user     %nice   %system   %iowait    %steal     %idle
17:12:07        all      7.93      0.00      4.35      0.00      0.26     87.47
17:12:08        all     13.04      0.00      4.35      0.00      0.51     82.10
17:12:09        all     11.70      0.00      4.83      0.00      0.00     83.46
Average:        all     10.89      0.00      4.51      0.00      0.26     84.34
  • CPU usage for all CPU core on your machine with extended output:
$ sar -u ALL 1 3
Linux 3.8.0-30 (foobar)        11/09/13        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)

17:16:04        CPU      %usr     %nice      %sys   %iowait    %steal      %irq     %soft    %guest     %idle
17:16:05        all      7.87      0.00      3.30      0.00      0.25      0.00      0.00      0.00     88.58
17:16:06        all      7.75      0.00      3.88      0.00      0.26      0.00      0.00      0.00     88.11
17:16:07        all      8.46      0.00      4.87      0.00      0.26      0.00      0.00      0.00     86.41
Average:        all      8.03      0.00      4.01      0.00      0.26      0.00      0.00      0.00     87.70
  • CPU usage for second day of the month (Note: On some distros, the location of the `sar` logs is stored under /var/log/sa/):
sar -u -f /var/log/sysstat/sa02

External links