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  title={{Distributions of Z-DNA and nuclear factor I in human chromosome 22: a model for coupled transcriptional regulation}},
  author={Champ, P.C. and Maurice, S. and Vargason, J.M. and Camp, T. and Ho, P.S.},
  journal={Nucleic Acids Research},
  publisher={Oxford Univ Press}
  title={{Genome update: purine strand bias in 280 bacterial genomes}},
  author={Champ, P.C. and Binnewies, T.T. and Nielsen, N. and Zinman, G. and Kiil, K. and Wu, H. and Bohlin, J. and Ussery, D.W.},
  publisher={Soc General Microbiol}

  title={{Scoring a Diverse Set of High-Quality Docked Conformations: A Metascore Based on Electrostatic and Desolvation Interactions}},
  author={Camacho, C.J. and Ma, H. and Champ, P.C.},
  journal={PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics},

@article{P.Christoph Champ05302007,
  author = {Champ, P. Christoph and Camacho, Carlos J.},
  title = {{FastContact: a free energy scoring tool for protein-protein complex structures}},
  journal = {Nucl. Acids Res.},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {gkm326},
  doi = {10.1093/nar/gkm326},
  year = {2007},
  abstract = {FastContact' is a server that estimates the direct electrostatic and desolvation interaction free energy between two proteins in units of kcal/mol. Users submit two proteins in PDB format, and the output is emailed back to the user in three files: one output file, and the two processed proteins. Besides the electrostatic and desolvation free energy, the server reports residue contact free energies that rapidly highlight the hotspots of the interaction and evaluates the van der Waals interaction using CHARMm. Response time is[~] 1 min. The server has been successfully tested and validated, scoring refined complex structures and blind sets of docking decoys, as well as proven useful predicting protein interactions.  FastContact' offers unique capabilities from biophysical insights to scoring and identifying important contacts.
  URL = {http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/gkm326v1},
  eprint = {http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/gkm326v1.pdf}