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The correct title of this article is agrep. The initial letter is capitalized due to technical restrictions.

agrep (approximate grep) is a "fuzzy string searching" program or command line tool for use with the Linux operating system.

It selects the best-suited algorithm for the current query from a variety of the known fastest (built-in) string searching algorithms, including a bitap algorithm based on Levenshtein distances.

agrep is also the search engine in the indexer program GLIMPSE. It is free for private and non-commercial use only, and belongs to the University of Arizona.

A more recent agrep is the command-line tool provided with the TRE regular expression library. TRE agrep is more powerful than Wu-Manber agrep since it allows weights and total costs to be assigned separately to individual groups in the pattern. It can also handle Unicode. Unlike Wu-Manber agrep, TRE agrep is licensed under the GNU LGPL.

See also

External links