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Python is an interpreted programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1990. Python is fully dynamically typed and uses automatic memory management; it is thus similar to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, Smalltalk, and Tcl. Python is developed as an open source project, managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation. Python 2.4.2 was released on 28 September 2005.


  • Python is strongly typed (i.e. types are enforced);
  • dynamically, implicitly typed (i.e. you don't have to declare variables);
  • case sensitive (i.e. var and VAR are two different variables); and
  • object-oriented (i.e. everything is an object).

Reserved words (native to Python)

and		elif		global		or
assert		else		if		pass
break		except		import		print
class		exec		in		raise
continue	finally		is		return
def		for		lambda		try
del		from		not		while

External links