From Christoph's Personal Wiki
LATEX, written as LaTeX in plain text, is a document preparation system for the TeX typesetting program.
Basic document
\documentclass[amsmath,amssymb]{revtex4} \usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files \usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point \usepackage{bm}% bold math \usepackage{epsfig}% include .eps files for figures \usepackage[frenchb]{babel}% SmallCaps font \begin{document} ... \end{document}
\begin{table} \caption{\label{tab:table1}Table Title} \begin{ruledtabular} \begin{tabular}{rrrrrrrrrr} \multicolumn{5}{c}{Heading 1}&\multicolumn{5}{c}{Heading 2}\\ Seg & Res & Atom & $<B>$ & $<$A$>$ & RMSD & {$T^rB$} & eval & $<B>$ & $<$A$>$\\ \hline 1-9 & 9 & 63 & 22.2 & 1.00 & 10.34 & 8.6 & 146.39 & 22.2 & 0.30\\ 10-15 & 6 & 41 & 14.7 & 1.00 & 6.99 & 1.3 & 0.00 & 14.7 & 0.17\\ 16-29 & 14 & 119 & 12.7 & 1.00 & 6.12 & 2.0 & 73.85 & 12.7 & 0.32\\ 30-47 & 18 & 130 & 7.4 & 1.00 & 2.79 & 2.9 & 11.28 & 7.4 & 0.69\\ 48-56 & 9 & 66 & 14.4 & 1.00 & 4.77 & -0.5 & 58.11 & 14.4 & 0.32\\ \end{tabular} \end{ruledtabular} \end{table}
Adding figures is easy in LaTeX:
ps2epsi output.eps
\usepackage{epsfig} % place at top of .tex file ... \begin{figure}[hbt] \begin{center} \psfig{file=output.eps,width=3.25in} \end{center} \caption[short TOC caption]{\em Testing 1FIN.} \label{ReferenceLabelHere} \end{figure}
Convert your TeX file to a PostScript file ready for printing:
latex input.tex && dvips -f input.dvi >
Or, as a shell script:
latex $1.tex && dvips -f $1.dvi > $
External links
- Official LaTeX project site web site for open development of LaTeX (you can also obtain a CVS snapshot of LaTeX3, the next version of LaTeX which is not yet released)
- The TeX Users Group
- comp.text.tex. A Usenet newsgroup for (La)TeX related questions, comp.text.tex is an invaluable resource for (La)TeX. Search the archives with Google Groups before posting.
- #latex IRC chat room on Freenode
- The PracTeX Journal — Online journal of the TeX Users Group.
- TUGBoat. Print journal of the TeX Users Group.
- wikipedia:LaTeX
- LaTeX for Beginners
The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e, or LaTeX2e in 133 minutes (2.21 MiB).
- The UK TeX FAQ List of questions and answers that are frequently posted at comp.text.tex.
- Formatting Information Online book for beginners available in HTML and PDF
- LaTeX Primer A basic guide to LaTeX.
- Tutorials in LaTeX Free manual distributed by the India TeX Users Group (TUG).
The AMS Short Math Guide for LaTeX A concise summary of math formula typesetting features.
- Text Processing using LaTeX
- The (La)TeX encyclopaedia
- Hypertext Help with LaTeX
LaTeX Tutorials: a Primer
- Getting to Grips with LaTeX Latex tutorials taking you from the very basics towards more advanced topics.
Add-on Packages
- LaTeX-beamer Create sophisticated, structured presentations and slides using LaTeX.
- powerdot Another very good class for presentations.
- bussproofs.sty (and others) Setting natural deduction tree proofs.
- Making a Resume in LaTeX A LaTeX template with instructions for making an easily-maintained resume.
- LaTeX2RTF Translator program which is intended to convert a LaTeX document into the RTF format.
- The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network Latest (La)TeX-related packages and software
- TeX Directory Structure, used by many (La)TeX distributions
- Natural Math converts natural language math formulas to LaTeX representation
Obsolete packages and commands