From Christoph's Personal Wiki
LATEX, written as LaTeX in plain text, is a document preparation system for the TeX typesetting program.
A base document
Note: This is a useful starting point for a large document or book.
\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{book} \title{A Long Master Thesis} \author{Eivind Uggedal} \begin{document} \frontmatter \maketitle \tableofcontents \listoffigures \listoftables \include{acknowledgements} \mainmatter \include{introduction} \include{background} \include{methodology} \include{implementation} \include{analysis} \include{discussion} \include{conclusion} \appendix \include{questionnaire} \include{source.code} \backmatter \bibliography{bib.items} \end{document}
Document (basics)
Article with text only
\documentclass{article} \begin{document} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean eu velit. Nullam eros. Vestibulum scelerisque tristique nisl. Maecenas in tortor sit amet justo rhoncus blandit. Cras eget ipsum bibendum massa ultricies sodales. Ut est arcu, elementum et, sagittis eget, pellentesque at, sem. Nam tincidunt. Curabitur urna arcu, ultrices nec, blandit ullamcorper, hendrerit id, ante. In tincidunt nonummy orci. Quisque eget sem. Ut aliquam augue eu libero. Sed turpis dui, euismod vel, ultricies sed, porta eget, lacus. \end{document}
Definition of macros for later use in document
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{german} % The example macro generates the marker for an example inside a document \def\example{\refstepcounter{subsection} \paragraph{\underline{$\rhd$\ Example\ \thesubsection}}} \begin{document} To generate the header for an example inside your document you now simply need to type: \example \end{document}
Inserting Graphics
The easiest way inserting graphics into your document is using the graphicx graphic bundle. Afterwards PostScript (ps) and Encapsulated PostScript Images (eps) can be inserted by saying \includegraphics
\begin[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=5cm]{} \caption{This is an example for including a graphic using \texttt{graphicx.sty} and the \texttt{figure} environment} \label{fig:box} \end{figure} \end{document}
\documentclass[amsmath,amssymb]{revtex4} \usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files \usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point \usepackage{bm}% bold math \usepackage{epsfig}% include .eps files for figures \usepackage[frenchb]{babel}% SmallCaps font \begin{document} ... \end{document}
\begin{table} \caption{\label{tab:table1}Table Title} \begin{ruledtabular} \begin{tabular}{rrrrrrrrrr} \multicolumn{5}{c}{Heading 1}&\multicolumn{5}{c}{Heading 2}\\ Seg & Res & Atom & $<B>$ & $<$A$>$ & RMSD & {$T^rB$} & eval & $<B>$ & $<$A$>$\\ \hline 1-9 & 9 & 63 & 22.2 & 1.00 & 10.34 & 8.6 & 146.39 & 22.2 & 0.30\\ 10-15 & 6 & 41 & 14.7 & 1.00 & 6.99 & 1.3 & 0.00 & 14.7 & 0.17\\ 16-29 & 14 & 119 & 12.7 & 1.00 & 6.12 & 2.0 & 73.85 & 12.7 & 0.32\\ 30-47 & 18 & 130 & 7.4 & 1.00 & 2.79 & 2.9 & 11.28 & 7.4 & 0.69\\ 48-56 & 9 & 66 & 14.4 & 1.00 & 4.77 & -0.5 & 58.11 & 14.4 & 0.32\\ \end{tabular} \end{ruledtabular} \end{table}
Adding figures is easy in LaTeX:
ps2epsi output.eps
\usepackage{epsfig} % place at top of .tex file ... \begin{figure}[hbt] \begin{center} \psfig{file=output.eps,width=3.25in} \end{center} \caption[short TOC caption]{\em Testing 1FIN.} \label{ReferenceLabelHere} \end{figure}
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{type1cm} \usepackage{eso-pic} \usepackage{color} \makeatletter \AddToShipoutPicture{% \setlength{\@tempdimb}{.5\paperwidth}% \setlength{\@tempdimc}{.5\paperheight}% \setlength{\unitlength}{1pt}% \put(\strip@pt\@tempdimb,\strip@pt\@tempdimc){% \makebox(0,0){\rotatebox{45}{\textcolor[gray]{0.75}% {\fontsize{6cm}{6cm}\selectfont{DRAFT}}}}% }% } \makeatother \title{Lorem ipsum} \begin{document} \maketitle Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean eu velit. Nullam eros. Vestibulum scelerisque tristique nisl. Maecenas in tortor sit amet justo rhoncus blandit. Cras eget ipsum bibendum massa ultricies sodales. Ut est arcu, elementum et, sagittis eget, pellentesque at, sem. Nam tincidunt. Curabitur urna arcu, ultrices nec, blandit ullamcorper, hendrerit id, ante. In tincidunt nonummy orci. Quisque eget sem. Ut aliquam augue eu libero. Sed turpis dui, euismod vel, ultricies sed, porta eget, lacus. \end{document}
Convert your TeX file to a PostScript file ready for printing:
latex input.tex && dvips -f input.dvi >
Or, as a shell script:
latex $1.tex && dvips -f $1.dvi > $
%html -d tag-name options "LaTeX-open" "LaTeX-close"
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- Suggested alternative settings for the various tags are:
%html -d title -on "\newpage\thispagestyle{myheadings}\markright{\sc{}" "}\pagenumbering{arabic}\nl\nl" %html -d h1 -l1 "{\nl\nl\smallskip\LARGE\bf\noindent " "}\nl\nl\noindent{}" %html -d h2 -l2 "{\nl\nl\smallskip\Large\bf\noindent " "}\nl\nl\noindent{}" %html -d h3 -l3 "{\nl\nl\smallskip\large\bf\noindent " "}\nl\nl\noindent{}" %html -d h4 -l4 "{\nl\nl\smallskip\bf\noindent " "}\nl\nl\noindent{}" %html -d h5 -l5 "{\nl\nl\smallskip\small\bf\noindent " "}\nl\nl\noindent{}" %html -d h6 -l6 "{\nl\nl\smallskip\footnotesize\bf\noindent " "}\nl\nl\noindent{}" %html -d code -math %html -d blockquote "\nl{\parindent=2em\narrower\nl" "\nl}\nl"
- The default setting for the pseudo tags for the book and report styles are:
%html -d l1 "\nl\nl\chapter{" "}\nl\nl" %html -d l2 "\nl\nl\section{" "}\nl\nl" %html -d l3 "\nl\nl\subsection{" "}\nl\nl" %html -d l4 "\nl\nl\subsubsection{" "}\nl\nl" %html -d l5 "\nl\nl\paragraph{" "}\nl" %html -d l6 "\nl\nl\subparagraph{" "}\nl" %html -d l7 "" "" %html -d l8 "" "" %html -d l9 "" ""
- The default setting for the pseudo tags for the article styles is:
%html -d l1 "\nl\nl\section{" "}\nl\nl" %html -d l2 "\nl\nl\subsection{" "}\nl\nl" %html -d l3 "\nl\nl\subsubsection{" "}\nl\nl" %html -d l4 "\nl\nl\paragraph{" "}\nl" %html -d l5 "\nl\nl\subparagraph{" "}\nl" %html -d l6 "" "" %html -d l7 "" "" %html -d l8 "" "" %html -d l9 "" ""
- The default setting for the pseudo tags for the plain style is:
%html -d l1 "\nl\nl\section*{" "}\nl\nl" %html -d l2 "\nl\nl\subsection*{" "}\nl\nl" %html -d l3 "\nl\nl\subsubsection*{" "}\nl\nl" %html -d l4 "\nl\nl\paragraph*{" "}\nl" %html -d l5 "\nl\nl\subparagraph*{" "}\nl" %html -d l6 "" "" %html -d l7 "" "" %html -d l8 "" "" %html -d l9 "" ""
External links
- Official LaTeX project site web site for open development of LaTeX (you can also obtain a CVS snapshot of LaTeX3, the next version of LaTeX which is not yet released)
- — the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
- The TeX Users Group
- comp.text.tex. A Usenet newsgroup for (La)TeX related questions, comp.text.tex is an invaluable resource for (La)TeX. Search the archives with Google Groups before posting.
- #latex IRC chat room on Freenode
- The PracTeX Journal — Online journal of the TeX Users Group.
- TUGBoat. Print journal of the TeX Users Group.
- wikipedia:LaTeX
- wikibooks:LaTeX
- Wikimedia Commons - Category:LaTeX
- LaTeX for Beginners
The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e, or LaTeX2e in 133 minutes (2.21 MiB).
- The UK TeX FAQ List of questions and answers that are frequently posted at comp.text.tex.
- Formatting Information Online book for beginners available in HTML and PDF
- LaTeX Primer A basic guide to LaTeX.
- Tutorials in LaTeX Free manual distributed by the India TeX Users Group (TUG).
The AMS Short Math Guide for LaTeX A concise summary of math formula typesetting features.
- Text Processing using LaTeX
- The (La)TeX encyclopaedia
- Hypertext Help with LaTeX
LaTeX Tutorials: a Primer
- Getting to Grips with LaTeX Latex tutorials taking you from the very basics towards more advanced topics.
- Working Effectively with Large LaTeX Documents
Add-on Packages
- LaTeX-beamer Create sophisticated, structured presentations and slides using LaTeX.
- powerdot Another very good class for presentations.
- bussproofs.sty (and others) Setting natural deduction tree proofs.
- Making a Resume in LaTeX A LaTeX template with instructions for making an easily-maintained resume.
- LaTeX2RTF Translator program which is intended to convert a LaTeX document into the RTF format.
- dblatex — DocBook to LaTeX/ConTeXt Publishing
- The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network Latest (La)TeX-related packages and software
- TeX Directory Structure, used by many (La)TeX distributions
- Natural Math converts natural language math formulas to LaTeX representation
- The TeX Catalogue Online, Ctan Edition, listing 2,956 TeX, LaTeX, and related packages and tools.
Obsolete packages and commands