Bioinformatics links
From Christoph's Personal Wiki
Source material
- Computational Biology - Bioinformatics Blogs — long list of blogs
- PostGenomic
- Notes from the Biomass
- Flags and Lollipops
- Bio::Blogs
- BioHacking
- Systems Biology & Bioinformatics
- RNA Bioinformatics
- LabAction — Human Genetics,Science Projects,Science Experiments
- Fungal Genomes and Comparative Genomics
- The Tree of Life — blog of Jonathan A. Eisen
- note2self
- BMI Students
- Flags and Lollipops
- Eye on DNA
- European Bioinformatics Institute — portal for research and services in bioinformatics, with databases of nucleic acid and protein sequences, and macromolecular structures - from the EMBL, Hinxton UK.
- NCBI/GenBank (USA) — offers many important databases (PubMed, GenBank, OMIM) and some tools.
- DDBJ (Japan)
- CrossRef
- Sanger
- UCSC ENCODE Project (includes latest, most complete build of the Human genome)
Lists of genomes in progress
- Genome projects
- Ensembl genome download (mainly Eukaryotes)
- Complete Published Genome Projects: 524
Genes / Proteins
- [ Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
- PPID - Protein to Protein Interaction Database
- Bioinformatic Harvester III (beta)
- iHOP - Information Hyperlinked over Proteins
Web servers
- World Index of BioMolecular Visualization Resources
- PDBSiteScan
- SuMo
- SCOP: Structural Classification of Proteins
- Vienna RNA Secondary Structure Prediction
- Searching for 3D functional sites in a protein structure
- wikipedia:Structural genomics
- Bioinformatic Harvester III (beta)
- Catalytic Site Atlas (CSA)
- a database documenting enzyme active sites and catalytic residues in enzymes of 3D structure.
- SiteEngine
- Functional Sites Structural Search Engine; Recognizes regions on the surface of one protein that resemble a specific binding site of another.
- The ASTRAL Compendium for Sequence and Structure Analysis.
- MolMovDB
- Database of Macromolecular Movements with Associated Tools for Flexibility and Geometric Analysis.
- Dali Fold Classification
- based on exhaustive, all-against-all 3D structure comparison of protein structures in the Protein Data Bank
- PDBsum
- provides an at-a-glance overview of every macromolecular structure deposited in the Protein Data Bank
- a service for biological sequence analysis
- Animators
- Visualization tools for the Wright-Fisher model and continous time coalescent.
- CombAt
- Comparison of coding DNA that takes the encoded proteins into account.
- distanceP
- Predict distance constraints between amino acids in proteins from the amino acid sequence.
- FaBox
- FASTA online toolbox
- Find the most significant common sequence and structure motifs in a set of RNA sequences.
- GeMprospector
- Find cross-species genetic marker candidates online from a collection of plant ESTs.
- Hudson
- Simulation of sequence evolution using the Hudson coalescent process to make a phylogony and the Jukes-Cantor substitution process.
- MatrixPlot
- Generate mutual information plots of sequence alignments, distance matrices of sequence with known 3D coordinates, and plots of user provided matrix files.
- Phy·fi
- Online tool for drawing Newick trees in color. Supports the JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, PDF, and EPS formats.
- PriFi
- Suggest primer pairs based on a DNA sequence alignment and give an account of the quality of the suggested primers.
- RecPars
- Phylogenetic analysis using a parsimony analysis that takes recombination events into account.
- Rateshift analysis
- Find signs of functional divergence as evidenced by shifts in evolutionary rates between two DNA, RNA or protein sub-families.
- RetroSearch
- Database of ORF annotated human endogenous retroviruses.
- RNA DB Tools
- Collection of tools which can be used to perform semi-automated update of RNA structural databases.
- RNA Folding
- Find common secondary structures for multiple RNA sequences.
- Stem-Loop Align SearcH. Search for a common stemloop motif in a relatively large data set.
- StatAl
- Statistical alignment of DNA/protein sequences.
- Signal recognition particle database.
- tmRDB
- tmRNA database ([1])
Downloadable Software
- Blossoc
- Block-Association Mapping.
- ClustalW Wrapper
- The clustalw python module contains code for wrapping the ClustalW multiple sequence alignment tool. Bundled with the ClustalW wrapper is also modules for reading FASTA and GDE files.
- CoAnnealing
- Simulated Annealing Search for Coalescent Trees.
- CoaSim
- Simulating the coalescent process.
- ComAlign
- Multiple alignment method that combine alignments toconstruct a good multiple alignment.
- CombiBlock
- CombiBlock computes various versions of Hudson and Kaplans(1985) "minimum number of recombination event" statistics, RM, based on the Four-Gamete-Test. Further the programreturns a division of the data into blocks.
- Detector
- Codon-based method for detecting changes in environmentspecific selection regimes.
- A domain specific language for specifying dynamicprogramming algorithms; given a recursive definition of the problem,the compiler generates code for solving the problem using dynamicprogramming.
- Drawtree
- Drawtree is a program for visualisation of trees. It reads in trees in the Newick format and outputs them in a graphic format. Currently the only supported output format is Encapsulated PostScript, but other formats are planned.
- EvoGene
- Gene finding with a Hidden Markov Model of genomestructure and evolution.
- GenePair
- The GenePair package implements a range of comparitive methodsfor gene structure prediction in homologous sequences.
- GeneRecon
- A coalescent based tool for fine-scale association mapping.
- HapCluster++
- HapCluster++ is a software package for association mapping.
- HMMcomp
- Comparison of hidden Markov models.
- QDist
- Computation of the quartet distance between evolutationary trees.
- QuickJoin
- A tool for fast neighbor-joining tree construction.
- A tool for fast construction of refined Buneman trees,
- Split-dist
- Split-Dist calculates the number of splits (edges) that differs for two trees.
- SuffixTree
- The SuffixTree python module contains code wrapping a suffix tree implementation by Dotan Tsadoc and Shlomo Yona.
Data acquisition (search engines)
- SRS (tutorials can be found at or
- Entrez (tutorial can be fond at
Multiple sequence alignment
- ClustalX (ftp) (tutorial can be found at
- BioEdit
- BCM search launcher
- Lists
- STRAP — Multiple Sequence Alignment
- NNPREDICT — Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
- Pattern and profile searches Pattern and profile searches
Phylogenetic analysis
- PAUPp (tutorial can be found at
- Mega2
- Treeview
- List
- Species 2000
- uBio — uses names and taxonomic intelligence to manage information about organisms
- BioLib — an international encyclopaedia of plants, fungi, and animals.
- Forestry Images
- The 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Software / Scripts
- 3DNA
- Raster3D
- EMBOSS applications
- Script List — Bioinformatics related
- Bioinform — bioinformatics news service.
- — curated web directory of molecular biology and bioinformatics resources
- Bioinformatik — categorical web directory for bioinformatics theory - from the Univ. of Düsseldorf. Mathematics and Computer-based.
- Bioplanet Jobs — bioinformatics jobs, education resources, bulletin board, CV posting.
- Canadian Bioinformatics Resource — dedicated to providing researchers with convenient, effective access to high-quality bioinformatics tools and databases.
- CMS Molecular Biology Resources — a compendium of tools for molecular biology, biotechnology, molecular evolution, biochemistry and biomolecular modeling.
- DNA and Protein Analysis Toolkit — compendium of bioinformatics computing services from The Rockefeller University. Many different ways to analyse biomolecules.
- Genome Programs — links to online genomics resources - including the individual projects.
- Molecular Biological Sites — includes sequence search windows, as well as databases and tools related with proteomics and structural bioscience.
- — a weblog that provides daily updates and links to news items and stories of interest to bioinformatics community.
- UBC Bioinformatics Centre Resource Directory — currated and categorized database of links to the top bioinformatics and molecular biology resources on the web.
- The OpenScience Project
- Quick guide to characteristics of metal sites in proteins
- sfcheck — a program for assessing the agreement between the atomic model and X-ray data or EM map.
- OmicsWorld
- OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology
- ZINC — a free database of commercially-available compounds for virtual screening.
- BIO.SK - Directory
- jaMBW
- JaMBW, the Java based Molecular Biologist's Workbench.
- SeWeR
- SeWeR: Sequence Analysis using Web Resources is an integrated portal to commonly used bioinformatics tools on Internet and World Wide Web.
- SMS2
- The Sequence Manipulation Suite is a collection of JavaScript programs for generating, formatting, and analyzing short DNA and protein sequences.
- — (User:Christoph)
- SNPedia
- — an openfree wiki site for -omes and -omics in Biotechnology and Bioscience.
- AAA Wiki — considers sequenced Drosophila genomes.
- openfree — a list of biological domains.
- wikipedia:Bioinformatics
- wikibooks:Computational Biology (aka Bioinformatics)