Curriculum Vitae
From Christoph's Personal Wiki
P. Christoph Champ
BSc Biochemistry and Biophysics
MSc Bioinformatics (currently working on)
Center for Biological Sequence Analysis
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Professional Experience
- Research Assistant: Dr. Carlos J. Camacho Laboratory, Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Pittsburgh, USA, March 2006-present (in absentia).
- Research Assistant: Dr. Rasmus Nielsen Laboratory, Centre for Bioinformatics, København Universitet, Denmark, December 2005–February 2006.
- Research Assistant: Dr. David W. Ussery Laboratory, Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark, August 2005–November 2005.
- Research Assistant: Dr. Carlos J. Camacho Laboratory, Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Pittsburgh, USA, October 2004–July 2005.
- Research Assistant: Dr. Alex Rich Laboratory, Dept. of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Summer 2002/December 2002.
- Research Assistant: Dr. P. Shing Ho Laboratory, Dept. of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Oregon State University, USA, May 2000–September 2004.
- English Language Instructor: Berlitz, Ljubljana, Slovenia, December 1996–December 1997.
- P. Christoph Champ, Tim T. Binnewies, N. Nielsen, Guy Zinman, Kristoffer Kiil, Hang Wu, Jon Bohlin and David W. Ussery (2006). Genome update: purine strand bias in 280 bacterial chromosomes. Microbiology, 152(3):579-583.
- Carlos J. Camacho, Ma H, and P. Christoph Champ (2006). Scoring a diverse set of high-quality docked conformations: A metascore based on electrostatic and desolvation interactions. Proteins, 63(4):868-77.
- P. Christoph Champ, Sandor Maurice, Jeffery M. Vargason, Tracy Camp, and P. Shing Ho (2004). Distributions of Z-DNA and nuclear factor I in human chromosome 22: a model for coupled transcriptional regulation. Nucleic Acids Research, 32(22):6501-6510. (The Online server of ZHunt can be found here)
- Citations:
- Ha SC, Lowenhaupt K, Rich A, Kim YG, and Kim KK (2005). Crystal structure of a junction between B-DNA and Z-DNA reveals two extruded bases. Nature 437:1183-1186.
- Kwon JA, Rich A (2005). Biological function of the vaccinia virus Z-DNA-binding protein E3L: Gene transactivation and antiapoptotic activity in HeLa cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 102:12759-12764.
- Citations:
- CBS Fungal Database: DNA structural atlases for complete chromosomes and genomes.
- Programmer, Server architect, and administrator; November 2005-December 2005.
- FastContact Server: a free energy scoring tool for protein-protein complex structures.
- Programmer, Server architect, and administrator; July 2005–present.
- SmoothDock Server (currently under development):
- Programmer, Server architect, and administrator; January 2005–present (note: This server uses code optimised and run in parallel on 256 processors).
- LooseLoops Server (currently under development and construction):
- Programmer, Server architect, and administrator; November 2004–present.
- Server architect and administrator; September 2004–present.
- An administrator and developer
Technical and Specialized Skills
see: Technical and Specialized Skills for a detailed listing.
- Computer operating systems:
- Windows (9x,2k,XP), Mac OS, Linux (SuSE and RedHat), and Unix.
- Computer languages and scripts:
- Web Applications:
- WikiMedia, phpBB (+MODs, SEOs, and Fetch All), WordPress, Smarty, phpAdsNew, etc.
- Computer System Administration and Security:
- Apache Webserver, Email Server, SSH, FTP, PGP, etc.
- Databases:
- Software (Unix/Linux):
- Software (PC/Mac):
- Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Premiere Pro, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Mathematica, Maple, etc.
- Languages Spoken:
- English, Spanish (college level), German (college level)
Honors, Awards, Memberships, and Conferences Attended
- 8th Annual Functional Genomics: Quantitative Biology Conference, Runan, Chalmers, Göteborg, Sweden, 29 August 2005.
- Attended conference and presented poster ("FastContact: a free energy scoring tool for protein-protein complex structures" - P. Christoph Champ, Hui Ma, and Carlos J. Camacho).
- Participant in Round 7 for CAPRI community wide experiment on the comparative evaluation of protein-protein docking for structure prediction (Hosted By EMBL/EBI-MSD Group), May 2005.
- Participant in Round 6 for CAPRI community wide experiment on the comparative evaluation of protein-protein docking for structure prediction (Hosted By EMBL/EBI-MSD Group), January 2005.
- 12th Converstation of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Albany, New York, 19-23 June 2001.
- Attended conference and presented poster ("Mapping Z-DNA in Human Chromosome 22" - P. Christoph Champ, Jeffery M. Vargason, Tracy Camp, and P. Shing Ho).
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute — Corvallis, Oregon (presented research in 2000 and 2001)
- 2000 HHMI Summer Undergraduate Research Program at OSU. (Click here for abstract).
- 2001 HHMI Summer Undergraduate Research Program at OSU, 29-30 August 2001. (Click here for abstract).
- Oregon State University Honor's College (freshman and sophomore years)
- National Dean's List (two consecutive years)
- Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Extracurricular and Leadership Activities
- World Travels — 58 Countries to-date
- First aid training (with certificate)
- Volunteer at Biochemistry Workshop for High School Students - Oregon State University, Summer 2000.
- Visual and Audio Production Training - Japan, October 1995—June 1996.
- Volunteer Humanitarian Aid Work - Croatia (Zagreb), Summer 1996.
- Volunteer Humanitarian Aid Work - Hungary (Budapest, Szeged), September 1994—September 1995.
- Volunteer Humanitarian Aid Work - Russia (Moscow), July 1994—September 1994.
- Volunteer Humanitarian Aid Work - Byelorussia (Minsk), June 1994.
- Volunteer Humanitarian Aid Work - Lithuania and Latvia, January 1994.
- Volunteer Humanitarian Aid Work - Poland (Warsaw), December 1993—May 1994.
- Volunteer Humanitarian Aid Work - Hungary (Budapest), September 1993—December 1993.
- Volunteer Humanitarian Aid Work - Ecuador (Guayaquil, Cuenca, Quito), Summer 1993.
Academic Courses Currently Taking (relating to MSc programme)
- Perl and Unix for Bioinformatics
- Professor: Peter Wad Sackett
- Textbook: Learning Perl, Randal Schwartz and Tom Christiansen, O'Reilly, 3rd Edition.
- Database Systems
- Professor: Dr. Hans Bruun
- Textbook: A First Course in Database Systems, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom Prentice Hall.
- Molecular Evolution
- Professor: Dr. Anders Gorm Pedersen
- Textbook: Inferring Phylogenies, Joseph Felsenstein, Sinauer Associates, Inc. (2003).
Academic Courses Taken (relating to MSc programme)
- DNA Microarray Analysis
- Professor: Dr. Henrik Bjørn Nielsn
- Textbook: A Biologist's Guide to Analysis of DNA Microarray Data.
- Java Programming
- Professor: Dr. Jens Thyge Kristensen
- Textbook: Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java, Xiaoping Jia, Addison-Wesley, 2nd Edition.
- Molecular Cell Biology
- Professor: Dr. Uffe Hasbro Mortensen and Dr. Ivan Mijakovic
- Textbook: Molecular Cell Biology, Scott MP, Matsudaira P, Lodish H, Darnell J, Zipursky L, Kaiser CA, Berk A, and Krieger M. W. H. Freeman, 5th Edition (2003).
- Advanced Bioinformatics
- Professor: Dr. Søren Brunak
- Textbook: Guide to Analysis of DNA Microarray Data, Knudsen S, 2nd Edition (2004).
- Comparative Microbial Genomics: A Bioinformatics Approach
- Professor: Dr. David W. Ussery
Academic Courses Taken (relating to BSc degree)
- General Chemistry I, II, and III (+lab)
- Professor: Dr. Bridgid Backus
- Textbook: General Chemistry, Darrell D. Ebbing and Steven D. Gammon, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 6th Edition (1999).
- Organic Chemistry I, II, and III
- Professor: Dr. David Horne
- Textbook: Organic Chemistry, Paula Yurkanis Bruice, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 3rd Edition (2001).
- Experimental Chemistry I and II (+lab)
- Professor: Dr. Christine Pastorek and Dr. John Loesor
- Textbook: Principles and Techniques for an Integrated Chemistry Laboratory, David A. Aikens, et. al., Waveland Press, Inc., Prospect Heights (1984).
- Physical Chemistry I, II, and III
- Professor: Dr. Glenn Evans
- Textbook: Physical Chemistry, Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 7th Edition (2002).
- Physical Chemistry I: Thermochemistry, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium
- Physical Chemistry II: Quantum Theory (Schrödinger equation), Atomic Structure, Spectroscopy (rotational and vibrational, electronic transitions, magnetic resonance)
- Physical Chemistry III: Statistical Thermodynamics, Molecular Interactions, Macromolecules and Aggregates, Kinetics and Molecular Reaction Dynamics)
- Biochemistry I, II, and III (+lab)
- Professor: Dr. Michael I. Schimerlik, Dr. Tory M. Hagen, Dr. Christopher K. Mathews, and Dr. George D. Pearson.
- Textbook: Biochemistry, Christopher K. Mathews, K. E. van Holde, and Kevin G. Ahern, Addison Wesley Longman, San Fransisco, 3rd Edition (2000).
- Biochemistry I: Energetics of Life (Thermodynamics, Chemical Reactions and Equilibrium), Nucleic Acids (Properties, Structure, Function), Protein Structure, Protein Function and Evolution, Protein Dynamics, Carbohydrates
- Biochemistry I-Laboratory: Biochemical Assays
- Biochemistry II: Lipids, Membranes, Cellular Transport, Enzymes, Carbohydrate Metabolism, Oxidative Processes, Photosynthesis, Lipid Metabolism, Metabolism of Nitrogenous Compounds, Nucleotide Metabolism, Metabolic Coordination/Control/Signal Transduction
- Biochemistry II-Laboratory: Molecular Biology
- Biochemistry III: Information Copying (Replication), Restriction, Repair, Recombination, Rearrangement, Amplification, Transcription, Translation, Expression
- Biochemistry III-Laboratory: Radioactivity
- General Biology I, II, and III (+lab)
- Professor: Richard Liebaert
- Textbook: Biology, Neil A. Campbell, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., Redwood City, 5th Edition (1999).
- Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Professor: Dr. Charles R. Wert
- Textbook: Essential Cell Biology, Bruce Alberts, et. al., Garland Publishing, Inc. New York (1998).
- Genetics
- Professor: Dr. Carol Rivin
- Textbook: Genetics: From Genes to Genomes, Leland H. Hartwell, et. al., McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Boston (2000).
- Evolution
- Professor: Dr. Stephan J. Arnold
- Textbook: Evolution: An Introduction, Stephen C. Stearns and Rolf F. Hoekstra, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2000).
- Physics with Calculus I, II, and III (+lab)
- Professor: Dr. Henri Jansen, Dr. Carl A. Kocher, and Dr. Rubin H. Landau
- Textbook: Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, 5th Edition (2000).
- Biophysics I, II, and III
- Professor: Dr. P. Shing Ho, Dr. Victor Hsu, and Dr. P. Andrew Karplus
- Textbook: Physical Biochemistry, Kensal E. van Holde, W. Curtis Johnson, and P. Shing Ho, Prentice Hall, New Jersey (1998).
- Biophysics I: Biological Macromolecules (Interactions, Environments, Symmetry, Structure), Molecular Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics (Structural Transitions in Polypeptides and Proteins, Structural Transitions in Polynucleotides and DNA, Nonregular Structures)
- Biophysics II: Quantum Mechanics, Spectroscopy (Absorption, Linear and Circular Dichroism, Emisson, NMR)
- Biophysics III: Macromolecular Structure Determination, X-ray Crystallography, Hydrogen Exchange (Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Structure), Atomic Force Microscopy, Mass Spectroscopy, Protein Folding
- Calculus I: Differential Calculus
- Calculus II: Integral Calculus
- Calculus III: Infinite Series and Sequences
- Calculus IV: Vector Calculus
- Calculus V: Differential Equations
- Mathematical Biology
- Chemical Information
- Introduction to C Programming
- Introduction to Web Authoring
Academic Courses Taken (not relating to degrees)
- Communication: Interpersonal
- Economics: Introduction to Microeconomics
- English: Literature of the Western Civilisation
- Writing: English Composition I
- Writing: English Composition III
- Geography: Geography of Africa and the Middle East
- Geography: Population Geography
- History: History of the United States of America – Colonial Period
- Philosophy: Ethics
- Philosophy: Great Ideas in Philosophy
- Political Science: Introduction to U.S. Government & Politics
- German: Year I, II, and III
- German Conversation: Level I, II, and III
- German Culture
- Health: Emergency First Aid
- Health: Lifetime Wellness
- Physical Activity: Karate
- Physical Activity: Jogging
- Theatre Arts: Improvisation
- P. Shing Ho, Professor and Chair of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Oregon State University.
- Kevin Ahern, Senior Instructor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Oregon State University.
- Alex Rich, Professor of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Carlos J. Camacho, Associate Professor of Computational Biology, University of Pittsburgh.
External links
- — Resume / CV Online
- — Resume / CV Online
last update: 14-Jul-2006